BioZorb® Implant Attorneys in Oklahoma City
Were You Injured by a BioZorb Implant?
The BioZorb 3D Bioabsorbable Marker, which is used during lumpectomy procedures for women with breast cancer, has been linked to many unsafe health complications. If you have experienced dangerous side effects after a BioZorb implant was used during your lumpectomy procedure, you could qualify to file a claim for compensation. Fulmer Sill can help.
Our Oklahoma City BioZorb implant lawyers have extensive experience with cases involving defective medical devices, including those that are wrapped up in mass torts. With a collaborative legal strategy and decades of collective practice experience and insight, we have been able to secure massive wins for our clients. While we or any law firm can’t promise future case results, we do believe that our past case results speak volumes of our ability to win for clients in tough situations. Even if your case goes to trial, which is not uncommon for defective medical device lawsuits like those for the BioZorb implant, we’ll be ready to represent you at every step along the way.
Trust us to uplift you and empower your case. Call (405) 433-7414 and ask for a FREE consultation with Fulmer Sill.
Do You Qualify for a BioZorb Lawsuit?
You might qualify to file a BioZorb injury claim or lawsuit if:
- You have a BioZorb implant;
- You have experienced adverse side effects or symptoms related to it; and,
- You need or have had surgery to address those side effects and symptoms.
Don’t just guess if you qualify, though. Find out for certain by calling (405) 433-7414 and speaking with our attorneys.
What is the BioZorb Implant Supposed to Do?
The BioZorb implant, made by Hologic, is implanted during lumpectomy procedures. It is meant to be a temporary, bioabsorbable marker that helps facilitate radiation therapy treatments by clearly indicating to radiologists and radiation oncologists where the patient’s breast cancer has formed.
Problems with BioZorb Implants
Surveys and patient data show that BioZorb implants have a history of issues, including:
- 75% of patients report discomfort, pain, scarring, swelling, or skin irritation, ranging from mild to severe, at the site of the BioZorb implant.
- ~60% of patients noticed unusual breast size changes or the development of a large and uncomfortable lump at the site of the BioZorb implant.
- 40% of patients had BioZorb implants that took much longer than 12 months to dissolve (as advertised), and some took even longer than two years.
Side Effects of BioZorb Implants
People who have suffered unsafe side effects from a BioZorb implant usually experience:
- Rashes
- Skin irritation
- Chronic pain around the implant site
- Infections
- Fluid buildup
- Sensitivity around the implant site
For some patients, diagnostic imaging revealed that the BioZorb implant had migrated to another part of the breast. Device migration not only creates a risk of side effects but also undoes the original purpose of the implant acting as a marker for radiologists, which can create a host of other problems like ineffective cancer treatments and unnecessary exposure to radiation due to inaccurate radiation therapy applications.
Furthermore, if the side effects of a defective BioZorb implant are severe, surgery might be needed to remove it before more harm can be done. In this way, a defective BioZorb implant can also cause a patient to experience the risks of surgery.
Get Answers – Call Our Attorneys Now
You might be owed compensation by Hologic for the economic and non-economic losses you have suffered due to a defective BioZorb implant. To find out if you can file a claim and what it might be worth, turn to the Oklahoma City defective medical device lawyers of Fulmer Sill today. Our team has a long history of successful litigation against manufacturers for the injuries caused by their medical devices. We are always ready to hear from and help new and returning locals in need of a trustworthy trial attorney.
Call (405) 433-7414 for a free case review. Hablamos español.

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$5 Million Truck Accident
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$4.5 Million Settlement Truck Accident /Wrongful Death
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$4.1 Million Settlement Denied Benefits
Settlement on behalf of a client involved in a bad faith denial of heart attack insurance policy benefits.
$4 Million Truck Accident/Wrongful Death
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$2.75 Million Settlement Denied Claim
Settlement obtained on behalf of a client who was involved in a bad faith denial of an Uninsured Motorist claim.
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