Damages fall into two general categories – economic and non-economic. Our team will help you understand what you’re entitled to and use the best techniques, technology, and experts to convey the full measure of the loss suffered to maximize your recovery.
Unfortunately, the law can’t undo the harm that’s been caused to you by someone’s reckless or careless actions.
If you’ve been injured, you may be entitled to monetary damages for the harm. Damages fall into two general categories. Economic are sometimes called actual damages and non-economic, sometimes called general damages. Economic damages include things like medical expenses, lost income, and any out-of-pocket expenses you may have incurred. They’re typically capable of being calculated with a degree of certainty where noneconomic damages on the other hand are much more difficult to calculate. They include things like physical and mental pain and suffering, scarring, physical dismemberment, permanency of injury, your physical condition before and after the accident, and a number of other very nuanced factors. It takes the right attorney with the right experience to know what questions to ask and what evidence to present to convey the sometimes immeasurable loss that an injury can cause. At Fulmer Sill, we know how to use the best techniques, technology, and experts to convey the full measure of the loss suffered and to maximize your recovery. Fulmer Sill – not your granddad’s law firm.